

The research team of the Food and Alcohol Behavior (FAB) study is interested in learning about your health behaviors. We are interested in how your relationships and your environment informs your behaviors, and making sure that you are equipped to make the best decisions. We might ask questions about what you eat and drink, who you spend time with, and where you spend most of your time. Our team is greatly interested in understanding what makes you the person you are. And, how did you get there?

We want to know about the aspects of your life that make you FABulous: your family and friends. Their love and support has the capability to be a strong force in your life. So, we want to understand how these strong influences shape the person you are and who you are to become.

As a potential participant of one of our FAB studies, we invite you to help us understand how all of these aspects of your life are interrelated.


Please click below to learn about our studies and How to get involved:

Not currently Enrolling


18-24 year old females

contact us to see if you qualify:


CALL OR TEXT: 918-417-0279